A Day's March

A Day’s March is a Swedish mens­wear label founded in 2014. Their goal is to help their cus­to­mers get through the day with style and dig­ni­ty – they are con­cern­ed with style, not trends. We were asked to create a stream­lined and engaging e-commerce platform that rep­re­sent­ed every­thing that the brand stands for.

We started the process of dev­eloping the platform by embracing the core values of the brand and letting the es­sentials be the hero — their fan­tas­tic products.

With any com­merce driven site it is also of high­est im­por­tance that the site is as fric­tion­less as pos­sible for the end-user as well as for the business and their op­e­ration. That is why we work­ed hard to both make it as easy as pos­sible for an end-user to find and buy what they want as well as deep­ly in­te­grat­ing the retail system used in-store with the site it­self to create as seam­less as pos­sible an ex­pe­ri­ence for the client.

A Day's March

David Lindström User Experience
David Ndalamba Web Development

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Digital design, mobile
Digital design, mobile
Digital design, responsive
Digital design, details
Digital design, responsive
Digital design, responsive